Earth Is Warming

It's 61 degrees, getting to 85 today. 95% humidity. The Earth is definitely warming with lots of fog. Spring is only 3 weeks away. I love the fog for many reasons. It's also a warning for me to get out of Texas before it starts hitting 90s. I remember the fog on the lake in Wisconsin where my grandparents lived in the 60s. Early in the morning down on the dock or out fishing in a rowboat. You could hear the loons. The trip to Wisconsin from South Florida in late Spring. Driving through the countryside where there were trees and hills and fog in the morning. I yearned to live there, away from the flat, sandy land I lived on with just pine trees and palm trees. I love what fog does to the view of the landscape. The birds don’t seem to mind it. It's certainly a good excuse to stay in except I'm out of coffee this morning. 3 days til payday. I don’t want want to touch my savings. I have enough food. Beau needs treats. I might make a grocery store run today for a few essen...