At the End of the Day
When I was on Facebook I was spending way too much time reading, responding, blocking and creating. A bunch of people from around the world disabled my account, I was frustrated because there was no way to communicate with Facebook. I don't do things that frustrate me. It's an older guy thing. Retired older guy. I like routine and it was part of my day but now I create new realities. I adapt. I survive.
After one hour I realized I was frustrated so decided that Facebook is a big waste of time and there must be a better way to blog. I'm not seeking fame or popularity as I had only organically grown to 2400 followers with no intention to grow or gain money. Polite word that comes to mind is "inefficient". Ads must be too cheap. It's a big part of the problem.
I start writing as though it were for the future .... whatever comes to mind that may be of interest. Then I'm suddenly exposed to the public. Uh. I should have known better. My most used phrase. Started trying to help people. Ha! Not ever having a plan that lasts more than 6 months. That exceeds TDY Orders I believe.
People want some idol to like or dislike. Fuck, I'm 9 years old ok? That's how old I am now, I estimate. Keep reading...
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