Full-time RV and Money

 Let's get real about money when full-time living in an RV or van. How cheap can you go? Here's my take based on my experience. I've owned homes and have lived in my RV since November, 2019. If you have an income over $2500/mo with no debt then you can do this, no problem. If you're below $1500 then you need to find work. You need to own your RV. 

Money is just another provision to me. Like the water and food. I don't have visions of nice things and exotic places. My eye is on more primal needs like a lithium battery or better solar panels. Nevertheless, you MUST be prepared for an emergency. If in a home, you can put off getting something fixed. On the road and the transmission goes out, you're detoured for sure and need to deal with it NOW. You need access to an emergency fund. Cash or credit. 

It's all about your head when you're "out". What makes you happy? A good foundation is security. Having full provisions and access to $10,000 at a moments notice is security. Don't gamble. If you don't have that then you need to be on track to get there. I'll share my own fuck up so you understand.

It started with not watching my balance dwindle because I was avoiding reality. Thus, I wasn't tracking expenses or figuring out how to spend less. I had a decent job and made decent money. Then bam! It's not easy learning to live on less and still be happy. I've finally got it down to $1,400/mo. That's $1,400/mo to emergency fund also. It's half my $2,800 SS income. 

By the time I finished spending money with doctors, remedies, diets last summer, I was down to last $2,000 I had left. Then bit down and got Starlink. I was quickly into negative after a few flat tires and a tow. Then needed gas to get back to TX. That's $600 easy. In my head I thought I could get to free TX beaches and lick my financial wounds. I knew I could save big money by then. All was going according to the plan. 

I went to Magnolia Beach for 2 weeks, then just down the coast to get inspections, oil changes. Then to Padre Island to sit for another 2 weeks. I needed December, January, February to be still and save back up. All I wanted to do is drift 100 miles. Hardly any gas.

Bam! I got overtaken by the surf and got stuck. Ruined electronics. Ended up negative $800 in my checking. I decided to go back to Magnolia Beach just a few hours down the road. I could recover there.

Bam! I only made it to Rockport when wheel bearings blew out. My transmission was going too as I needed to put fluid in to get it to go right before I broke down. Mentally broke down. The stress was too much. My daughter, Meghan, rescued me. It was not a good moment for me but it got me to start looking at my finances. Seriously. I'll stay close and lick my financial wounds, bla blad bla. I was headed to Magnolia Beach again where I stayed for one month. Had to get a new generator and battery. On Jan payday, on the way to College Station, 3 hours away, to hang near Meghan and save for trip to CO.

Bam! My transmission gave up in Dime Box, TX. I stayed 10 days in a parking lot before spending all I saved on $800 tow and one month RV Park site. I parachuted.

I just can't catch a break but it'll turn around. I have secured some credit and three month's savings will get me close to new transmission. April for sure. I can't travel with less than $1,500 to parachute again if needed. Bare minimum. I have a free campsite and $1,000/mo income waiting in CO. In theory, I can payoff everyone and the start of a good emergency fund by October. The savings is perpetual now. It'll just keep growing. I'll need a new toad soon, maybe a new motorhome. 

I have learned to live on $1,400/mo with normal expenses. I've lost weight and not eating crap. My expense will increase in CO because I'll need gas for the generator and the cost of food will be higher. Get your spreadsheet up and get in touch with reality.


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