
Showing posts from March, 2023

Texas Has Sucked

 My Journey was not planned, it just unraveled. I didn't intend to live in my motorhome when I bought it. I've just been letting myself go and stay as I feel. My Texas Journey this year started on Nov 1st, 2022. I arrived at Magnolia Beach on fumes. I had even poured in some gas from cans. I got paid on the 4th so I was able to buy much needed supplies. I started in negative as my trip from CO tapped me out. I had no money except for needed inspections and repairs. I stayed at Labonte Park in Corpus and got service at Ruebens.  I arrived at the S Padre Island gate on Nov 18th. After I showed my America the Beautiful card, I asked him about the High Tide warning. He said it was just high tide and if the ocean were to overtake me then they wouldn't let me on the beach. I parked along the dunes like a few others who were out. That night I got overtaken and I was stuck. I had planned on spending 14 days to lick financial wounds. Then back to Magnolia Beach. I knew I was broke.

Morning Chill

 It's a cool 59 degrees, getting to low 70s today. Beau and I are keeping warm with our little electric heater. I'm watching Andy and sipping coffee. We've been out on a short potty walk.  Beau's health is slowly failing. He has good days and bad days. I'm constantly trying to get him to eat. I don't think he can see. My health isn't all that great. I wake up to terrific pain in knees and hips, real stiff. I stretch in bed then power through the pain to get moving. It's a reality I'm just adapting to. I'm old. I'm still lining up my transmission work. Hopefully, next week. I need to be in CO in May, the sooner the better. I'll get to sit still for 5 months AND get paid to do it. The tasks of the camp host doesn't seem difficult and I would enjoy helping fellow campers.

Full-time RV: My Journey Chapter 4

  When I arrived at Magnolia Beach in March, 2022, I felt like I had come home. I was raised on the beach so .... I had solar panels working great, everything was working great! It seemed like a big party. We stayed for the whole 14 days. We stayed at Goose Island State Park then Padre Island. I was anxious to get going toward Colorado. On the way to San Antonio, my hitch for the car came out of the receiver. I noticed the car shift in the rear camera. I found a welder and on my way in 3 hours.  I arrived in San Antonio on April 1st and stayed 4 days at an RV Park. Then off down I-10 and off to NM. I bummed on BLM land until early May, then headed to Gunnison. I moved around Taylor Park area for most of the summer. My stay in CO was uneventful except for the flat tires, first on the toad then on the motorhome. I had proved that I can live cheap and, with a few upgrades, I can vastly improve my solar capability.  I headed back to Texas in Mid October, arriving at Guadalupe River State P

Full-time RV: My Journey Chapter 3

  I arrived at the RV Park in San Antonio at the end of October, 2020. It was near my family and I had access to anything I needed as I was in a big city.  I had a Dr appt for Monday morning, November 2nd. Dr Wiley Patterson helped me off opiates in 10 days using Suboxone. I needed to be free of that hassle to do what I wanted to do. I made a few friends and took occasional camping trips. I enjoyed family time, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays. My knees were in extreme pain, I could hardly move. I was overweight and still suffering from anxiety and spending money too fast. In April, I left for Colorado. I started off mostly camping and RV Parks with hookups and reservations. The purpose of the trip was to figure out how and where to go dry camp. I bought solar panels shortly before leaving Colorado and was mostly dry camping by the time I left. I returned to the RV Park in San Antonio in September with a renewed view of what I could do. I was ready. The city irritated me, the RV Park

Not Normal?

  I understand that people view me and my lifestyle differently. It's all about perspective. The views change, my environments change. I can position myself favorably based on locations and weather. I am free. I have no need to hook to power and I can find water easy enough. I live where I can park for free in areas that are enjoyable. No rent. Definitely not a lifestyle most are familiar with. Nobody asks questions which I find odd. Going home everyday to the same house, same everything. I thought real hard at times when I would exit on my way to work when I was in my 20s with kids. I thought about keep going and going. I thought about what I would need. Running has been something I've wanted to do for a long time. As this wonderful journey unfolds, I am so grateful for all I have and accepting of where God puts me. I've never been happier. I understand my limitations and weaknesses and so thankful I am single at this stage of my life. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Beau Update

  Beau was up and seemed alert when I got up this morning. I'm having issues of my own. Eventually he seemed to indicate he wanted out. I had to help him stand and carry him down the steps but he walked slow. He even pooped. He's not strong enough to lift his leg to pee. He won't eat out of his bowl but will eat handfuls of food I lay in front of him. He eats treats as well. I saw him get up once to walk a few steps to water. He even ate a few bites out of his bowl. He sleeps a lot and dreams. When he wakes up he is clearly confused about where he is. When I lie down with him, I make sure I approach very slowly. Getting back up can be a serious challenge for me.  This decline of Beau is just par for this whole disastrous visit to TX. I feel doors closing so new doors will be opening. I know this because I'm old and have experienced this all my life. I setup the future opportunities and now we'll see what God thinks.

My Diet

  Food is an issue for all of us. When I had a hefty food allowance, I ate all kinds of crap. When high inflation hit, I was forced to stop buying crap. I haven't eaten meat in months. My weakness is ice cream. I want my food budget to be $10/day. That's tough. I eat lots of eggs, milk, bread, peanut butter, oat meal, beans, rotel, spinach. When I'm out in the wilderness, I have no access to ice cream so my body forgets and I get by. But here near civilization, I can't help it. My weight has come down 60 lbs but need to lose another 60. I have gained 7 lbs in past few months as I feed stress with ice cream.

My Loves

  There are 2 things I am clearly addicted to. Weed and ice cream. I need to better regulate my use of each. Swoon Triple Chocolate is my favorite. Instead of trying to only eat 1 of 3 servings in a day, I am trying to limit purchase to one every 3 days. Having good Sativa bud is great. I am an old man with an old body and partaking in something that helps me and gives me a buzz is definitely a priority.  I have few pleasures in life now and decided I want what I want. I don't ask for much. It's affordable and sustainable and it makes me happy 😊 

Colorado 2023: Anticipation

  I'm looking at Maps and planning my migration north. I'm getting pumped. The markers represent known free boondock sites, wanna try sites, and parachute RV Parks. I won't be doing much exploring until I have a good emergency fund saved. ETD is April 17th or 18th.

March 14th, 2023

  Some of our neighbors taking a rest. Beau has felt well enough to bark at them through the window. We're avoiding fleas so Beau is staying inside.  I talked to transmission guy today and we are on for 4/3. Now I need to get a tow quote to get er over there.  When the motorhome is ready, I'll drive er to get weighed then probably back here since this site is already paid for. I'm expecting the week of the 10th. I'm heading out toward CO just as soon as I can.

March 13th, 2023

  Another outstanding day in Texas. It's 66 degrees and hardly a cloud in the sky. I'm watching Andy and playing with Google Maps.

Sunday Afternoon


Mounting Starlink

I bought the pole for mounting my Starlink antenna. There's 2 main sections of the pole that fit together firmly. I don't want it to lock. I want to be able to easily place the top section in and out. The bottom section is currently secured with duct tape. I want to be able to easily deploy, even when I'm at a rest area or parking lot. The problem with setting it on the ground is that it's hard to put where there's no obstructions. You end up placing so far away. Even though it's somewhat heavy, the wind blew mine over and got punctured on a rock.  


  Beau is better but still showing his age. He has his strength back enough for short walks and getting up and down. I feed him morsels of food from his bowl and he eats it eagerly but still nose up at the bowl. He'll eat treats all day so ... We had a flea outbreak here. Neighbors too so it must be this location. I've always used Frontline Plus. We're taking flea baths, treating bedding, etc. This morning seems fine. I need to treat the eggs. Beau is going downhill quick. He's confused at times, stubborn, and sleeps a lot. He struggles with the steps and needs help. Wait! That's me! LOL. 


  I think I'm losing Beau. I put him in bed with me last night and I managed to carry him down the steps for a walk this morning. Now, he's just totally limp. He hasn't eaten in 2 days but is drinking water. He managed to eat a treat this morning. I watched my Haley die like this. I'm a mess.

HB to Me!

  Not much happening here on my birthday. March Forth! I ordered this reel for myself. I ordered a new bed for Beau too. Meghan took me to breakfast. I enjoy her so much. It was blue skies all day with nice temps in 70s. I'm ready to get quotes for towing to Oliver's Transmission. I need to get this taken care of. I'm anticipating my summer in CO and getting my route established. This will be my first trip since all my bad luck. I'm hoping it's all behind me.


 Beau is 13 and is a Norwegian Buhund. I adopted him from a breeding kennel when he was 6. He was a show dog and used for breeding. His name was Elvis. When they are finished with a dog, they keep him in a pen with a run. I found him online and had him flown to me in NC. Beau has been debarked which means he has a raspy bark. This is common with breeders and especially this breed as he barks at everything that moves. Beau is very affectionate but seems to have a problem with small children.

Bird Houses

  This is a simple design. There is a wide pvc pipe section in the middle. Then paint them green. I'll hang in places where the bird can roost across from the house to keep an eye out. I'm going to do 4 different designs.