Morning Chill

 It's a cool 59 degrees, getting to low 70s today. Beau and I are keeping warm with our little electric heater. I'm watching Andy and sipping coffee. We've been out on a short potty walk. 

Beau's health is slowly failing. He has good days and bad days. I'm constantly trying to get him to eat. I don't think he can see.

My health isn't all that great. I wake up to terrific pain in knees and hips, real stiff. I stretch in bed then power through the pain to get moving. It's a reality I'm just adapting to. I'm old.

I'm still lining up my transmission work. Hopefully, next week. I need to be in CO in May, the sooner the better. I'll get to sit still for 5 months AND get paid to do it. The tasks of the camp host doesn't seem difficult and I would enjoy helping fellow campers.


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