Texas Has Sucked

 My Journey was not planned, it just unraveled. I didn't intend to live in my motorhome when I bought it. I've just been letting myself go and stay as I feel.

My Texas Journey this year started on Nov 1st, 2022. I arrived at Magnolia Beach on fumes. I had even poured in some gas from cans. I got paid on the 4th so I was able to buy much needed supplies. I started in negative as my trip from CO tapped me out.

I had no money except for needed inspections and repairs. I stayed at Labonte Park in Corpus and got service at Ruebens. 

I arrived at the S Padre Island gate on Nov 18th. After I showed my America the Beautiful card, I asked him about the High Tide warning. He said it was just high tide and if the ocean were to overtake me then they wouldn't let me on the beach. I parked along the dunes like a few others who were out. That night I got overtaken and I was stuck.

I had planned on spending 14 days to lick financial wounds. Then back to Magnolia Beach. I knew I was broke. I finally got dug out on the 25th, the day after Thanksgiving. My electronics took a beating. I had to immediately buy a new solar controller and Inverter. The battery I had bought a few weeks before was no good either. My generator was hosed. Water pump, water heater not working. 

I sat in the Visitor Center parking lot for a few more days getting situated.  Both vehicles vibrated, I just hadn't got all the sand out. I managed to get the water pump and heater working. The tow bar wasn't locking either. I finally decided to make a run to Magnolia Beach. I filled water, emptied tanks, and filled gas on the way out.

Around Rockport, the motorhome started making bad clanking noises. I was dead. Broken down and no money. No credit. Tapped out. My manic state was through the roof and anxiety was very intense. I was in big trouble. Meghan saved me. She booked me a nice AirBnb, arranged for motorhome tow and fix. She made sure I had food.

On Dec 8th, I continued on to Magnolia Beach. I owe Meghan lots more than money. I arrived and stayed for 1 month. They asked me to leave by Jan 6th. Luckily, I got paid on that day. I was finally going to save $1,000. I was heading to be near Meghan to lick financial wounds. I stayed in Victoria so I could score weed. I broke down in Dime Box, TX. Transmission. Way more money than what I had. I stayed there for 10 days. With Meghan's help, I got a tow to an RV Park near her. Tow + 1 month RV Park $1,300.

I call it the "Parachute Plan" where you have enough cash to get towed to a RV Park until you have enough cash to get er fixed. I no longer roll unless I have enough for a Parachute Plan. I plan to roll to CO before April 18th.


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