Beau Update

 Beau was up and seemed alert when I got up this morning. I'm having issues of my own. Eventually he seemed to indicate he wanted out. I had to help him stand and carry him down the steps but he walked slow. He even pooped. He's not strong enough to lift his leg to pee.

He won't eat out of his bowl but will eat handfuls of food I lay in front of him. He eats treats as well. I saw him get up once to walk a few steps to water. He even ate a few bites out of his bowl.

He sleeps a lot and dreams. When he wakes up he is clearly confused about where he is. When I lie down with him, I make sure I approach very slowly. Getting back up can be a serious challenge for me. 

This decline of Beau is just par for this whole disastrous visit to TX. I feel doors closing so new doors will be opening. I know this because I'm old and have experienced this all my life. I setup the future opportunities and now we'll see what God thinks.


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