More Close Calls

 One day I set out on my motorcycle to score some weed from my friend, Art Schafer. I was newly married in 1977.

Art lived nearly across the street from my parents in an apartment. I had never been there before, he must have just moved in.

There were lots of people in that small apartment. I knew some of them. Art showed me a bale of weed and the Columbian coin he retrieved from it. I tucked my ounce in the liner of my helmet and socialized for a few.

Suddenly we heard keys and in comes the police who were calmly telling us to lie face down. They joked with each other and I strained to hear what they were talking about. I was scared. They took our wallets.

After some time, they came around and started letting some go. They tapped on my back and told me to leave. I grabbed my helmet with my weed and left.

Art ended up on Death Row in Starke, FL for killing an 86 yo woman in 1986 because she surprised him during a burglary. He didn't mean to kill her and on appeal, he was given a life sentence. He died in prison in 1999. He was trying to sustain a huge cocaine habit. Geez, that drug took all my friends.


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