More AF Stories

As I wait to migrate north and post my journey, I'll share parts of my life. As I look back, it's clearer to me that I was not marriage material. The "adventures" were too numerous and sometimes risky. It's not my personality, it's a disorder.

 One evening, there were several vehicles waiting on a C-141 to land. I just needed to grab a valuable, small box and sign for it. We watched it touch down and then past the usual turn to come to where it was supposed to be. We watched it go past us, heading to the end to turn there. Nope. It hung a U-turn across the grass, blowing dirt into the air. 

We all had to reposition since it is now coming from the other direction. It successfully pulled into the designated hardstand. We waited for the wheels to get chocked and engines off. The door opens, the flight engineer came off. It was a woman. I was the first one on the plane and some little blonde female captain comes bouncing out of the cockpit with a gigantic grin yelling, "How did I do?". It was the first all-woman crew of a C-141. This is 1984.


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