Miles Update

 Miles is adapting well. He and Max take turns using each other's stuff. Meghan takes them on walks in the morning and evening and I take them a few times during the day. 

I hope he travels well in the motorhome. He is about to be introduced to the outdoors like he has never seen.

He's still limping or hopping. Poor guy. I massage it and he licks my hand. Eventually I'll have another vet look at it to see if something can be done. He's only 3 or 4 yo so he still has lots of living. 

When I saw him I knew he was mine. He was very regal, sitting there with a superior attitude. Then he got up to come see me after a minute. That's when I noticed his limp. His name was Miles. How appropriate for a traveler.

I still get teary-eyed thinking of Beau sometimes. I want to remember him as the younger, virile boy who he was. Just one more cry 😢 


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